is a privately owned business that has been in existence since 1989. We take pride in delivering the
best service with each satisfied client. If your not satisfied, we're not satisfied. Customers look to
JACAN for innovative solutions to their heating and plumbing needs, a reputation we have enjoyed
for many years. We focus on delivering high efficiency products that save energy and save our
customers money.
The President, Herman Elvy, is a licensed Master Plumber with over 45 years of experience. He has
worked and lived in the Westchester community since coming to New York and service a broad range
of commercial and residential clients.

JACAN has strong ties to the community through charitable and professional
relationships. As a resident he is remembered by many for the portrait:
Local artist Patricia Horing captured the spirit of
JACAN in her portrait of Herman and showcased
the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery in
Washington, D.C.
The artist Ms. Horing thoughts
also capture who we are for our
customers, when she explained in a
National Minority Business Counsil
article that Herman "has a open
face and life embracing attitude."
Here at JACAN we are
always open for business with a positive can do attitude and desire to serve.
Our team of professionals attend training courses and safety certifications annually. We are proud
of our success and the confidence of our customers.
Local Memberships and Affiliations include
- Master Plumbers License 852
- EPA Certified
- Safety Certifications
- Uniformed Firefighters Association
- Local Union NO. 60
- Certified Empire State Minority Operated Business Enterprise
Listed With
- South Bronx Overall Economic Development Corp
- The Dormitory Authority - State of New York
- The Small Business Administration
- Department of Environmental Protection
- The Blue Book Builders and Construction Network
Time for
Spring Start - ups
Winter clean - up
Storm Repairs
Listed with Blue Book Builders Construction Network and the Heritage Who's Who.